Week 8

Modular Pyramids Continued

Pyramid Class

Following on from last week I have moved all the pyramid functions into a class. This was easy I had already moved the code into functions.

The only other change that I made was to change the commands called by the window buttons. They now access the class methods instead of functions.

Modular Slider

Next I create a slider button which gives the user another option to input values.

This gives the user a slider and a new button to change the pyramid size.

Week 8 Activities

1. Cube Class

Following on from last week, create a Python class called Cube that can be used as a template to be able to create, move, rotate, freeze, modify and select Cube objects in Maya.

I moved the functions to a Cube class with this initialiser. The init function takes 5 parameters, some of which contain default values.

2. Built-in Functions

Insert comments explaining the given scripts functionality.

3. Custom UIs

Now, try using the script from the previous activity and perform a number of customised tasks as follows:

a) change the number of items displayed on the window;

b) change the message printed each time the user clicks on an item, so that the counting of items is bottom up rather than top-down;

c) implement two separate windows with different number of buttons each.

d) implement a number of separate windows as specified by asking the user.

Here is my modified script. The objects take an input parameter which corresponds to the number of buttons.

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