Week 6

Week 6

This week I added in new building types and a way for the user to enable/disable them.

Here I use a while loop as well as some conditions to first select a random building type, then check if its been selected, and finally construct it using mainly extrusions.

Here is the function checking for user input and creating the base cube which happens before the extrusions. Additionally, I added a message using cmds.inViewMessage(). Thios displays when the user enters a min value higher then their max value.

Finally, I added a new menu which contains presets that I will add to later on.

The GUI code for building type checkboxes:

GUI for building types. Here a user can enable/disable certain buildings. The buildings need redesigning to be easier to differentiate.

Additionally, you can see the new presets menu that I added. So far the presets do nothing interesting.

To Do:

  • Make better building designs
  • Add city presets
  • Place cars in city
  • Fix ground plane transforms and make believable roads

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